Everybody is Welcome

Barrie Bennett is one of the very few men at Adaptive Athletics!

So today I stirred up a conversation about why that might be.

“Barrie, why are you the only dude here?”

Barrie looking sharp even after class!

This is something he’s noticed in a lot of other gyms and fitness classes too.

Anytime he’s attended yoga or aerobics classes with his wife, he said he found himself to be one of the few men there also.

“A lot of men can be competitive so maybe that’s what plays into it.”

Male or female, he highly recommends you give Adaptive Athletics a try.

He said he notices big changes in his physical and mental wellbeing, as he takes on his 5th round of the program!

“I started walking like a person, not an old person!”

His entire quality of life has been rejuvenated.

He said he sleeps like a baby, doesn’t use his arms to get off the couch, and the list goes on.

“You’ve only got so many years on the planet, wouldn’t you rather enjoy them?”

Being one of the only men in class doesn’t bother Barrie in the least.

He is definitely a feminist but more importantly he believes in total equality.

“I am well aware of the limits females face. My wife does a really good job of educating me.”

Up until about 8 years ago, he and his wife, Jan, lived part time in their home on PEI.

While they were travelling for work, they used it to house abused woman.

“Unfortunately we live in our house full time now—but my sister in law has been working with abused women her whole life. A very important job indeed.”

He really sees the big picture.

Woman have moved beyond feminism it seems, says Barrie, he thinks it’s partly because of everything happening in the world.

“There is more to this than male and female. We used to see feminism as a quilt but now it’s just a patch.”

There are three types of critical thinkers, says Barrie.

One being strong sense thinkers—these people use all they can to make the world a better place. On the opposite end are weak sense thinkers—these people use everything they can to make THEIR world a better place.

“Toxic masculinity lacks critical thinking, and critical thinking means the search for truth to make the world a better place!”

Be like Barrie, a strong sense thinker, and don’t let toxic masculinity stop you from trying that workout class you’ve been thinking about!